Hello! Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Katie, and I am a recent Boston College graduate from the class of 2011. Now, I am a Rostro de Cristo volunteer, and will be spending the year from August 2011—August 2012 in Ecuador!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Is this real life?

If you didn't catch the reference, it's from a viral youtube video where David, a young boy still under the influence after a dentist's appointment, questions if he is indeed in the real world. One week into orientation, I'm beginning to realize that yes, these are the people with whom the next year of my life will be spent with, and yes, we will be spending the next year in Ecuador together.

My mom has requested that I update this blog as often as possible, and although I may not be able to do that as much as she might like, I am going to try my best. And since I'm at Boston College, I might as well take advantage of the computer lab!

A few major events this week...
  • One day we were taken by surprise with rice, beans, and corn for all three meals. The point wasn't to try to acclimate us to Ecuadorian food, but rather begin to realize what happens when real life doesn't meet our expectations, and how we react to that.
  • We received our house and community assignment!!! I will be living in Mt. Sinai with some amazing people!!! They are: Bernadette, Madison, Mandi, Matt and Patrick (and myself). Rostro's presence in the community is brand new, only two years old, and so living in Mt. Sinai will provide so many new experiences and opportunities! To learn more about the neighborhood, check out Rostro's page on it: http://rostrodecristo.org/community/sinai.html , it has a really great slideshow if you click around (the youtube video doesn't seem to be working right now). Also, please take the time to check out the rest of the website, the mission, etc, especially if you need a distraction. Below are pictures of all of the volunteers, and of Mt. Sinai volunteers!
  • This isn't exactly an event, but there has been a lot of time this week to spend in quiet, on our own, and really take the time to reflect about how we are feeling throughout this entire transition process. I am so thankful to be able to really sit with how I'm feeling, what I'm anxious about, what I'm excited about, and then be able to share that with so many amazing people. It's also encouraging to know that I'm not the only one who is just plain old nervous about this whole thing! At some points I think to myself  "what in the world did I get myself into??" and at other times I know that this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing... and almost everyone has shared that they are going through the same roller coaster, it's so nice to know that I'm not alone in those feelings :)
that's it for now... we leave on august 1st, so hopefully I will be able to post again!

P.S. Sign up on the left side of this page to receive e-mail notifications, so that you get an email when I update the blog! You will ONLY receive an e-mail if I update, no spam!

1 comment:

  1. Soo excited that you'll be in Monte Sinai this coming year! I hope the end of orientation and your travels down to Duran go well, thinking of you and praying for you and your community! Love ya!
